Introduction: The Fulbright Hays GPA is a program supported by the US Department of Education for US citizens to travel and learn to foreign countries with the hope of more clear understanding in foreign language and culture. This is a competitive opportunity offered every year. The duration of this program is of 1 ½ year with a required in country stay of 30 days.
Our project “A Woman’s Place: Language and Culture Alive in Argentina” received funding this past June 2020 for the study of Spanish intermediate language and to discuss women’s history in Argentina.
Project Objectives- The following five objectives support the Fulbright Hays GPA purpose of development and improvement of foreign languages and area studies. Through curriculum development of Spanish language and women’s studies, K-12 teachers/administrators and university faculty/ students will impact their institutions and other education agencies in the United States.
1. Offer intense Spanish language immersion training and first-hand
experience of Argentine culture and its people;
2. Develop classroom materials and curricula to support and enrich
current and future courses through integration of the role of
women in Argentina and Spanish language and culture into diverse
disciplines such as history, art, geography, literature, world
languages and social studies;
3. Expand intercultural and international cultural competencies
skills in all participants through direct contact with the people,
customs, traditions, norms and etiquette of the professionals they
encounter during the GPA and the day-to-day activities and
routines of the Argentine people. We define* cultural competencies
as having the capacity to (1) value diversity, (2) conduct self-
assessment, (3) manage the dynamics of difference, (4) acquire and
institutionalize cultural knowledge, and (5) adapt to diversity
and the cultural contexts of communities they serve.*
4. Expand the learning community among GPA participants, teachers,
administrators, directors, speakers, facilitators in the US and in
Argentina through the development and sharing of ePortfolios
developed online and interpersonal communication experiences
during all phases of the GPA.
5. Disseminate the curricular materials developed and the
implementation/use of artifacts purchased to K-12 teachers and
university faculty through websites, professional presentations,
workshops and other media.
What are we doing prior to traveling?
The pre-departure phase includes guided monthly sessions with participants (20
hours) focused on language skills development (listening, speaking and
writing). Non-guided photography/video practice (5 hours) over five months.
Visual Literacy is a component of the ePortoflio participants are required to
complete at the end of the Fulbright Hays. We consider Visual Literacy the
science of understanding the impact visuals have on their own standing,
without text. Their work will reflect cultural competencies in the
international experience. In addition, we will have group discussions of
individual curriculum development projects including assessment of effective
language learning resources as reflected in the monthly abstracts.
What are we doing in Argentina? The overseas phase includes an intense immersion learning experience focused on cultural and language related activities. For example, in the overseas phase, language instruction will take place in the mornings from 10:00 to 12:00 in addition to lectures and discussion on women entrepreneurship, education and other topics from Monday to Friday each week combined with afternoon cultural visits and seminar discussions offered in Spanish. Some of the array of cultural experiences are participating on folkloric events and visiting markets, museums, churches, historical sites, and live performances as well as visits to Model Schools and women-operated PYMEs (Small and Medium Size Businesses). As professionals we will meet with digital depository librarians, specialized economics faculty and entrepreneurs, K-12 teachers and administrators, college students and government/ host country officials. For example, here is a topic and the questions to ponder when discussing it- This Fulbright Hays proposes 11 classes of two hours each (22 hours) dedicated exclusively to the teaching of Spanish language in addition to biweekly meetings for Language Conversation Hours (2 hours per meeting). Eleven different theme seminars centered on Women in Business, Human Rights, Literature and Art in Argentina, Education etc. Included in this study program are 34 visits to museums, libraries, parks, folklore performances, churches, monuments, government and university offices among others. Each week centers around objectives and themes focusing on 16 outstanding Argentine women from diverse backgrounds and experiences. These women will be presented and discussed in the Spanish language conversation hours with participant assigned a brief presentation on aspect of the women focus of the week’s discussion. Here is a sample of the schedule: FOCUS ON WOMEN: IN-DEPTH STUDY Mujeres Argentinas Destacadas: Social Activism Cecilia Grierson, New Professions: First nurse and medical doctor in Argentina Mariquita Sanchez de Thompson: In the battle for women ́s rights Eva Perón, Politics and Justice: First lady of Argentina, social activist Lola Mora, Artistic Expression: Sculpture OBJECTIVES (DAY) Discuss major advancements in Human Rights in Argentina after the “Dirty War” of 1970s and “Ley Micaela” introducing the current refugee situation in the Argentine government’s agenda. 1. Discuss Women in the Plaza de Mayo Movement and Social Change. 2. Introduce major issues of Gender Violence and its implications in society. 3. Women and Politics- Activism and service to the country.